The logistic heart of Europe

ZOUTMAN has different departments located in Roeselare and Ghent. The department in Ghent is strategically located in the seaport of Ghent (Kluizendok), the gateway to Europe. We daily deliver worldwide by sea, river, road and railway transport.
Website North Sea PortSea transport
A good collaboration with shipping lines enables good and fast connections with Great Britain, the Scandinavian countries, the Baltic states, Russia and the Mediterranean Sea area. Ideal for bulk sea transport (short sea shipping) and container shipments.

River transport
An extended network of inland waterways, whereof the belt canal round Ghent is part, connects ZOUTMAN through rivers and canals with Northern France (with Paris through the Seine River – North connection) and with the European river network of the Rhine-Main-Danube rivers (the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, etc.).
The R4 belt highway around the port site is the connection with the intersection of the three main European highways: E40, E17 and E34.
The centrally located marshalling yard Ghent Seaport is the entrepôt for railway transport between ZOUTMAN and all destinations in Europe and beyond. The ZOUTMAN quay is provided with rails.